How Can VCOs Learn the IT Skills They Need?
I’m working on a Lottery-funded project looking at ways of embedding IT training in other community learning activities. So we’re teaching budgeting but it includes training in Excel, or we’re teaching report-writing and showing how to use some of the features of Word. We’re holding a free event in December to discuss what we’re doing and share ideas about to help people learn the IT skills they need. Full details below.
** How Can Voluntary and Community Organisations [VCOs] Learn the IT Skills They Need?
A free event to share ideas, funded by the Big Lottery Fund through its BASIS programme.
* What IT skills do you think staff and volunteers need?
* What learning activities will help them acquire and make best use of those IT skills?
* In what way will those IT skills make their work more effective?
WHERE: Community Base, Queens Road, Brighton BN1 3XG
WHEN: 11.00am – 3.00pm, Monday 15 December 2008
HOW MUCH: Free of charge
* Who should attend?
* Anyone interested in meeting the training needs of the voluntary and community sector
* Anyone interested in how people learn IT skills
* Anyone interested in better governance, planning, financial management or communications by voluntary and community organisations
* Embedding IT skills in the voluntary and community sector
SCIP and Working Together Project are developing and delivering a range of training to help organisations acquire the IT skills they need to address four key issues:
* Governance
* Financial Management
* Communications
* Planning
This is funded by a three-year grant from Big Lottery Fund under its BASIS programme and means we can look at how to embed IT training in other community sector training courses.
Our approach is to identify key tasks and then include appropriate IT training within existing courses. So we will now include Excel training as part of Budgeting and Fundraising courses, rather than just delivering standalone Excel training.
* Help us get it right
We started the project on 1 January 2008, so this event gives us a chance to tell you about our progress to date, describe the new courses we're developing and review feedback from the people we're consulting.
More importantly we're starting to plan next year's programme, so we're really interested in your views about how to deliver learning activities that help people make effective use of IT.
We're planning a highly participative event, to help you share ideas and to help us learn from your experience. It includes:
* Introduction to us and our project
* What can IT do for VCOs?
* What IT skills does this require?
* How will people learn those skills?
* How can IT skills deliver more effective organisations?
* What shall we measure?
* What shall we try next?
Book now!
We're providing a free lunch so we need you confirm that you're coming.
To book a place please reply to this message, or contact Jane Hill at SCIP on 01273 234049.
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