Tuesday, 9 September 2008

What makes a good presentation great?

SLideshare logoLooking for inspiration for your presentations? Now you can check out the world's best presentations at www.Slideshare.net who have announced the results of the Best presentations Contest 2008. The winning entry is called Thirst [see below] does an excellent job of explaining the impending global crisis in water resources.

Slideshare is an excellent website that hosts your presentations for free. It's a useful tool for sharing presentations before and after events, and it's also a good place to look for ideas when planning your own presentations.

Take a look and see what you think of the winners. You'll see how they all use strong graphics, and it's also interesting to note that many of the slide shows selected relate to not for profit activities and campaigning. Perhaps they're easier to judge than the typical sales-oriented business presentation?

Results of the World's Best Presentation Contest 2008 - SlideShare

View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own. (tags: design crisis)

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