Friday 2 May 2008

Do you Doodle?

Do you ever have to organise meetings for lots of different people, and end up playing diary matching games by email for days on end? Some people use Outlook to find available dates, but more and more people are using the elegant Doodle.
To use Doodle just go to, post up a list of possible dates and invite people to visit the page you create. They can then indicate which dates and times they can make, without needing to log in. As people add their details the page notifies you which dates are the most popular.
It's free of charge, it's very simple and as well as scheduling meetings you can use it for other polls.

1 comment:

watfordgap said...

Its good isn't it!
Tell you what, lets set up a face to face session for ICT infrastructure providers in the South East using Doodle!!
Practical in action test for it!