Monday 14 April 2008

Microsoft event for charities

This upcoming event from NCVO and Microsoft UK is free to registered charities - registration opens next week.

Improving your productivity through technology
Opportunities for the voluntary and community sector

10th June, London

NCVO and Microsoft UK are hosting an interactive conference combining case studies, workshops and keynote speakers to explore the potential of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) for small and medium sized charities.

Understanding that complexity, resources and finances can hold technology development back, Microsoft and NCVO aim to introduce you to ways of accessing the latest technology through the help of a special donations scheme, enabling your organisation to achieve more.

The conference will include case studies from charitable organisations that demonstrate how they are already reaping the benefits from using the latest technology. The event will close with an informative session on ICT funding and how you can access technology donations through Microsoft UK.

This full day event is free of charge to all charity employees on a first come first served basis.
Workshops include:

Workshop 1: Costing and Funding ICT in your organisation

Workshop 2: Managing finances effectively using new technology

Workshop 3: Tips and tricks for setting up and managing an online community

Workshop 4: Managing a remote team - How technology can bring you together

Workshop 5: Finding your niche - how new media options can help you stand out to your supporters

Online registration will be open from 23rd April 2008 at <;Culture=en-GB>
Louise Brown

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