Friday, 28 March 2008

A simple guide to writing

I'm preparing a workshop about Writing Reports for Voluntary and Community Organisations, which will combine writing skills with how to get the most from Word and Excel.
It's part of ongoing work to embed IT skills within mainstream community training courses and is based on a successful course I've run a few times about How to Draw Graphs and Charts and Include Them in your Reports combined with training run by Working Together Project about writing skills.
Along the way I found a great site called Writing for Change about writing reports, produced in a past life by Becky Faith, one of SCIP's trustees who is currently part of Tactical Tech.
It's a simple site that's easy to navigate with some great tips.

Thursday, 13 March 2008

Save money, improve your service and keep people happy

There's a really useful new article by Simon Davey on the ICT Hub website that explains how to plan your IT training programme. It suggests a step by step process for reviewing and planning your training as well as linking to some excellent free resources.

A lot of staff and volunteers struggle to get to grips with computers and new technology, which means that investment in hardware or software can take a long time to be repaid. Training is a way of investing in people instead, and empowering them to get the most from the resources available to them.

Training Action Plan: ICT Hub

Wednesday, 5 March 2008

Rural ICT Conference

Lackham House in Wiltshire is the beautiful setting for a very successful conference looking at rural issues relating to ICT
Several people were there from the south east and it was good to catch up with others from across the country