Saturday, 10 March 2007

Shared database projects

Ran a workshop in Guildford today for people from the south east working on shared databases for the voluntary sector. Key issues raised:
- data ownership - technical, legal and political issues
- what data to collect - inc taxonomy, mapping to other sources, reporting requirements, priorities
- sustainability - initial set up costs vs ongoing management and maintenance of data
- technical requirements - web access vs data security
- budget - software + staff time
- roles and partnership development

Two examples were reviewed:
- MERLIN - built and managed by Basingstoke Voluntary Action
- Oxnet - powered by Uniservity

Each have strengths and weaknesses but Uniservity seemed more attactive for its web capabilities and the support team available - although it is more expensive

What next?
All agreed it was helpful to comapre notes and review options. Also discussed how much different people are paying the same supplier
Next workshop could focus on specific issues and answer detailed questions

Six people attended, although nine booked. This is okay but could have been better. ICT Hub met the costs of the session, and this was thought to be a good use of funds [apporx £300 inc trainer + room costs etc]

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